Five Audiobooks I've Loved Recently

Greetings from the depths of parenting a newborn!

My number one recommendation for gifts for new parents: wireless headphones and an audiobook subscription. Whether it’s long overnight feeds, a ‘cuddle sleeper’ who wants to be on you at all times, or taking the chance to leave the house for a walk with the pram, audiobooks can save your sanity. They’re certainly saving mine at the moment.

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My instruments of choice - Apple Airpods and a my local library app, occasionally supplemented by Audible when I’m particularly desperate for a particular book.

If you’ve not tried audiobooks before, I definitely recommend checking out what’s on offer from your local library first. Most libraries use one of several apps to provide ebooks and audiobooks, straight to their patron’s phones. My library uses Overdrive/Libby, and previously I’ve also had access to BorrowBox. They have a really great range of audiobooks available, depending on your library. I can usually find something interesting to borrow, and I always have a few popular recent releases on hold.

Here are five audiobooks I’ve listened to recently and really enjoyed.

Becoming by Michelle Obama (narrated by Michelle Obama)

I listened to this a while ago, actually, but it has stuck with me. So many encouraging moments, and so many moments where all I could do was nod and agree. A fascinating insight into Michelle’s life, and her thoughts on balancing parenthood and career, this is a great read for any parent (and everyone else, honestly). The audiobook is read by the author, which works absolutely perfectly.

Force of Nature by Jane Harper (narrated by Steve Shanahan)

I have really enjoyed all of Jane Harper’s books (I have The Survivors on hold at my library - can’t waaaait). I’ve listened to both Force of Nature and The Dry as audiobooks, and Steve does a brilliant job of the narration. Jane Harper’s books are a wonderful combination of intriguing characters and plot, and rich landscape. I found the balance really great to listen to - evocative description woven with a plot that moves fast enough that you don’t get bored!

Carpentaria by Alexis Wright (narrated by Isaac Drandich)

At 19hrs 15min, this audiobook definitely gives you bang for your buck! The story is meandering, so I don’t necessarily recommend it for late night reading, but the lyrical writing style works perfectly for a rich, soothing audiobook experience. Isaac Drandich’s earthy narration fits so well with the feel of this book, and he also does an amazing job of capturing the unique voices of each of the characters.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (narrated by Emilia Fox)

This is the audio version that my library has, I’m sure there are many others. Emilia Fox played Georgiana in the ‘95 Pride & Prejudice mini series, which is clearly the best adaptation, so I’m going to go ahead and assume this is also the best audio version. Even if you’ve read Pride & Prejudice before, I highly recommend listening to the audiobook. Emilia brings Collin’s speeches to horrifying life in a way that I’ve never experienced before!

“A” is for Alibi by Sue Grafton (narrated by Mary Peiffer)

I’ve been on a mystery kick recently, and have particularly enjoyed working my way through the Kinsey Millhone series by Sue Grafton. Mary Peiffer does a brilliant job of the narration of these books, perfectly capturing Kinsey’s voice and the… noir drawl (I don’t know how to describe it, I’m sure there’s a proper term) of this style of detective fiction. My library has quite a few of the series available as audiobooks, although sadly not all of them.

I hope these recommendations are useful! What audiobooks have you loved recently? I’d love to know what I should listen to next - please DM me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know!