7 Best Lockdown Tips from the NovelTea Community

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Well, 2020 has certainly introduced us to some new words and phrases! I’ll bet 6 months ago you never really thought much about what a lockdown would entail, or how to social distance… But here we are, all locked down and socially distant and wondering what on earth this year has for us next.

If you are running out of ideas (and patience!) as to how to look after yourself and those around you during lockdown, then this blog is perfect for you. I recently surveyed our gorgeously zen followers on Instagram and found out their best lockdown tips - they shared some brilliant ideas and I’ve collected some of the best here for you. 

Books and Tea

Ok, this one was sort of a given. Everyone in our little NovelTea community can certainly appreciate the joy and serenity provided by always having a good book and some fresh tea on hand.

Tea and reading are wonderful ways to slow down and connect with yourself mindfully, and are also low-cost ways to indulge yourself and treat yourself to some me-time. We may have already been aware of their magical powers before Corona, but these lovely things have become even more essential now. You can simply never have too many books or cups of tea.

This is also a wonderful time to discover new blends of tea as well, such as chamomile and mint, or raspberry and thyme. And of course, if you want to mix it up a bit, you could swap your cup of tea for a delicious freshly brewed coffee, or a lovely glass of vino!

Walking and Gentle Exercise

Even on the dreariest winter’s day, a short walk outside in the crisp fresh air can do wonders for your soul. Breathe in the clear air and blow out in puffs like a happy dragon. Take in the feeling of cool against your cheeks while your body is rugged up in your favourite woolies.

Fresh air and gentle exercise, especially if you can manage to get a little vitamin D in there as well, are excellent for your mental health, physical wellbeing and to clear and refocus your mind. Fresh air also works brilliantly if you pair it with your book and cup of tea - just take these outdoors on a nice day and sit in the sun in your yard.



The biggest things we need right now are self-care and time to focus just on us. This is a difficult time for everyone in the community, but it is an especially hard time to remember to go easy on ourselves. 

Be forgiving if you don’t get done what you think you should each day. It is more important than ever to be gentle and kind to yourself and your needs. 

Adding a regular time into your day for mindfulness is a brilliant way to look after yourself. There are plenty of apps you can try if you like to be guided in your mindfulness, such as Smiling Mind, Calm, or HeadSpace. 

But you can be mindful easily without apps, just by focusing on a sensory anchor, such as your breath or something you can see, hear or touch. For a few minutes, just be in this moment - still your mind, relax your thoughts, and if your mind wanders (which all minds do), just gently bring your thoughts back to the anchor.

You can have a cup of tea mindfully, eat dinner mindfully, walk mindfully, and do household chores such as doing the dishes mindfully.

Creative outlets 

It’s time to get creative. This is not a time to try to perfect your skills or create stunning pieces to sell or send to a local gallery. This kind of art is about the journey, not the final destination.

Basically, it doesn’t matter what you create, it is how much peace and joy you get from the act of being creative itself. Paint, draw, colour, sew, knit, take photos, decorate cakes, write, whatever you like.

This is just for you, so don’t put pressure on yourself to create masterpieces - just enjoy it while you’re having fun.

Get your groove on

So, the chores didn’t go away just because the world went into lockdown. If anything, there seems to be more housework, dishes and dirty clothes because everyone is stuck in your house all day every day. You can’t avoid housework, but you can grab it with both hands and throw your whole body’s energy behind it!

Write yourself a list of all the tasks you need to get done, then pop on some tunes to wiggle and sing too, while you are tackling that housework and tedious tasks like a rockstar’s boss! 

Once this is done, see tip number 1 - you’ve earned it.

Smash your To-Do list

This is a strange time, certainly, and it’s natural to feel strange. You are captive in your home, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t get anything done. In fact, this is THE BEST time to get things done!

Write yourself a list of goals, big and small. Think of courses you wanted to take, languages you wanted to learn, people you haven’t called in years, hobbies you wanted to take up, home maintenance that you’ve been putting off, corners of your home that have needed decluttering…

Make a list and then start smashing those goals. There are no more excuses - the time is NOW!

Connect with those you love

Lockdown can be difficult on relationships - we are either getting too little or too much of the people in our lives. You might be desperately missing the ones you need, like your besties, or your Mum, or you are overwhelmed by the needs of the people trapped in the house with you, and are just craving some peace and quiet and space.

Maintain your sanity by connecting with everyone that you are missing as best you can. Use video chats to catch up with family or friends with activities such as board games, trivia, or wine and cheese nights. 

With the people in your home, schedule time to turn the screens off, and try to quieten your mind while having fun as a family. Again board games are great, as are puzzles and trying out new recipes together. Or go for a walk as a family and make a scavenger hunt of it, or head out after dinner and have a night walk.

Final Tips for Lockdown

Self-care isn’t selfish - this is the big thing you need to remember. We don’t know how long these restrictions may last, so you can look after yourself and your family just by taking each day as a time. 

Spend time alone when you need it, and reach out to others when you need to as well. Don’t feel guilty for your choices in how to manage this time and stay well - what works for you may be different from the next person. Just get done what you can, be gentle with yourself, be patient with others, and make everything as light and as fun as possible.

And if all else fails, you can always turn to books and tea!

Need a new book to read? New tea to try? Why not head over to the NovelTea Book Club Shop to see what parcels are available?