Review - Two Little Black Classics

This month our beautiful parcel featured two little black penguin classics, I was so excited about this months picks as I adore reading poetry. I was quite pleased to be able to settle down with a steaming mug of tea and enjoy a little reading moment with my novel tea book club goodies, I started first on a Sunday evening with.. 

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love that moves the sun and other stars - Dante

As I sat with my cup of tea reading this small collection of Dante’s words I found myself marvelling at the beautiful language and sophistication used throughout. However I sadly do not feel that I could comprehend or understand what was written, I often found myself confused as to what I was reading about and it all felt a little all over the place to me. Though it was a wonderful read to admire someone who writes so beautifully, I feel that I needed more of an introduction or explanation to better understand this collection.

O frabjous day - lewis Carroll 

I decided to start my Monday morning settled into my garden chair with this book in hand and a hot mug of this months tea, chocolate and vanilla (yum!). As I sat there sipping and reading, I found myself with a gleeful smile on my face as a rush of nostalgia spread through my heart. The rhymes in this book brought me back to moments of reading as a child. I have always loved Carroll’s writing and this was no exception, I really enjoyed this collection of fun, weird and interesting poems full of nonsense. A wonderful and quick read for sure, perfect for a little downtime treat.

Much love and stay cozy, 

Brittany (the.cozy.bee)

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PS. Don’t forget to check out the Past Parcels section of the shop to see if we have any if these parcels left in stock.